Mad as H**L!!'s review of Indian Hair Company

Indian Hair Company

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/11/2011
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Review 5/11/2011
I am sad to report that I had an extremely disappointing experience with the Indian Hair Company. I placed an order (valued at over $450) on Monday morning and paid $54 to have it shipped overnight to me by Tuesday. I was graduating with a PhD on Wednesday and had a whole weekend of celebrations planned. I had a special look planned (any woman knows how much time and effort is put into a LOOK for a special occasion). When my order had not arrived by late Tuesday evening, I called to see what the issue was. I was told by the customer service agent Ruth Able that the number for my bank on the back of my card was no longer in service. While still on the phone, I called the exact same number and got through. I asked Ruth to call the number again. Ruth called the bank number again, this time with me on three-way. Low and behold, a customer service agent at my bank answered the phone. Ruth informed me that my order would be shipped out on Wednesday and received by Thursday. As this did not help me with my graduation ceremony taking place ON Wednesday and Thursday being filled with 15 million other preparations for the weekend, I was furious. I asked how this was going to be remedies as the fault was squarely with the Indian Hair Company. Ruth made a sorry case for how the phone lines may have been down when she tried to place the call (how many times have you called your bank and received a message that the phone were no longer in service? Mind you this is a well- known nationwide bank) and that there was nothing else she could do. She gave me two options: accept the late order or cancel. Exactly the words a woman wants to here on a very special day right? After an hour and a half of demanding that I be compensated for my inconvenience CAUSED by their negligence, I was told there was nothing else that could be done. There was not empathy on her part or even slight willingness to take responsibility. I was called back by another customer service agent, Richelle, who was more empathetic and willing to help. I spoke with a supervisor the next day who offered to refund me $28. $28 for over $450 worth of product that was virtually useless to me at that particular point? I refused to accept the sorry offer and plan to take my hard earned money to a company that treats their customers with respect and values their patronage.
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