Ted T.'s review of APM Body Jewelry

APM Body Jewelry

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/14/2012
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APM Body Jewelry is a scamming cheating company
APM Body Jewellery is a scam company. They cheat their customers, lie, And they don't care about what type of items they sell. They have "NEON Titanium" items that are really pretty And nice. But starts PEELING off And stays in the body, causing infections. Reportedly they have had over 5 issues with this particular item, yet they REFUSE to remove it from the website or store because "They need to sell them" Secondly, they will offer "free Jewellery" 99% of them are defective, damaged, or broken. Then their excuse is "What do you expect for free Jewellery" Lastly, They don't care about you, your company, or your customer's safety. They just want MONEY. Upon trying to return some damaged items, they always give the run around. And I bought a 1000$ order (which they offer $100 off every $1000 order) And because THEY are out of stock of an item. They start taking out the discount from my total. (i.e.. because they are out of stock And my order is $925 they will change my discount to $92.) HOW IS IT MY FAULT THEY ARE ALWAYS ALWAYS OUT OF STOCK!!!!!!! HORRID COMPANY. IF YOUR LOOKING FOR GHETTO ASS CHEAP JEWELRY THAT WILL EITHER FALL APART OR GET YOU SUED. THIS IS THE COMPANY TO GO WITH!!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Mon.- Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Timed Phone   (213) 683-8883 Address   640 South Hill Street Suite 240
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Website   http://www.apmbodyjewelry.com Email   customerservice@apmbodyjewelry.com
Contact   Henry Szeto Other  
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